
I am


Web Developer

My Projects

My work till now

My Skills


I like to design sometimes.Even when my designs turn out not so good,I like to keep going.


Backend is what I mostly do.And here are my weapons.


I started programming with python.And turns out it is well equipped for ml on web.So I Like to integrate it in websites and chatbots


Hello Vistior

I am currently a student at IIT Guwahati,BTech 1st year .My branch is Engineering Physics . I like my branch (even though not much of job opportunities) . I had cs as optional subject in my +2 education and that's how I like programing . I entered in the world of programming in the summer of 2018 . From then I have experimented with several programming languages . Web-Development and App-Development is what I do ,as its really fun.I am currently not so good at ui/ux design but I am learning.imgBox It's been a great journey till now .